According to orthodox historiography, which is prescribed by penal law in many European countries, about three million European Jews were murdered in homicidal gas chambers between December 1941 and the autumn of 1944. These chambers are said to have been erected in six camps in Poland, in the combined “concentration and extermination camps” Auschwitz-Birkenau and …
Category: Holocaust
Foreword to Carlo Mattogno’s book Einsatzgruppen
My Foreword to Carlo Mattogno’s new magnum opus on the Einsatzgruppen
Germar Rudolf Interviewed by Jim Rizoli (video)
In early July 2017, Jim Rizoli and Diane King once more visited me at my home and interviewed me again. You can access this video of almost two hours on YouTube here: GBDv__yBYJ0 or simply watch it right here: Actually, no, that video channel got deleted in 2019, with all videos in it.
Foreword to Air-Photo Evidence
John C. Ball’s seminal Air Photo Evidence (1992) struck a fatal blow to the orthodox Holocaust narrative by publishing and expertly analyzing numerous photos taken by Allied and German reconnaissance airplanes during the war over sites of alleged Nazi mass murders. Due to its massive size, it has never been posted online. Finally, here it is…
The First Holocaust—The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
[:en]A documentary on the surprising origin of the six-million figure. Germar Rudolf takes the reader on a time travel back until 1850 while tracing back the origin and various usages of the claim that six million Jews were suffering and in danger of being exterminated in a “holocaust.”[:]
Curated Lies — A PowerPoint Presentation
[:en]A 1hr 22 min. PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of Carlo Mattogno’s book Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions.[:]