Once upon a time, I was the victim of government persecution. So what? No big deal…
Or maybe it is. This is not for me to decide. You are the judge here. I just present the evidence and my interpretation of it. After all, everybody can claim to have been persecuted. I’m not a Michael Kohlhass, a guy who runs screaming “bloody murder” as soon as someone steps on his toe. Also, I hope that the phase of my life bringing me into conflict with government authorities is over for good, so I can quite dwelling on that unpleasant era.
This section of my website contains a number of articles about my experiences after I started developing and voicing controversial opinions about “the Holocaust.” These essays have been written over the years and at times have been revised where necessary.
The first essay was written by a U.S. lawyer and sums up my case. The second, much longer paper, “Fair Game,” delves deeper into the entire history of my persecution, which I hope is history, indeed. The next paper, “Auschwitz Forensics,” gives an introduction into the underlying (over overarching) topic – “Holocaust forensics,” if you wish.
The subsequent entries, starting with “What Made Me a Revisionist?,” go through my unpleasant experiences with some of my fellow humans chronologically, but as you will find out, these essay are also full of encounters with a lot of wonderful people who helped my selflessly – my true friends.
This section is wrapped up with a page listing and linking to a plethora of documents on my persecution.