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On Spreading Hate

“Holocaust denier Germar Rudolf spreads hate from Pennsylvania” – that’s what Aryeh Tuchman claims, without indicating what of my writings constitutes hate. Here I argue that “common parlance,” used by Tuchman as an excuse for his inaccuracies, that is: parroting what “the others” are saying, is one of the main causes of the persecution of minorities and dissidents.

Truth Is Relative

Elie Wiesel once wrote that stories he had written “were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end.” “Some events do take place but are not true; other are – although they never occurred,” he wrote in his defense. A truly mind-boggling interpretation of the term “truth.”

The Money Syndrome

The current financial system is the enemy of mankind. Worse still: it is the enemy of life on this planet. The reason: By definition it operates with positive interest rates only. As a result, the system is condemned to have steady growth, or else debt spirals out of control. But in a limited system, nothing can grow infinitely. Unchecked growth is cancerous, and creatures with cancer must die. So must this system.

401: Holocaust Handbooks

This is the ultimate collection of revisionist knowledge on the Holocaust in the English language, comprising 24 volumes so far and counting.

Are You One of Us? (2003)

Interview with an unknown emailer calling himself Mr. Williams, October 2003 Mr. Wiliams claims to live in the Chicago area and was curious to find out if I am a white supremacist, because he said that this would be his prerequisite for staying in touch with me and perhaps even supporting me. I never heard …

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Over My Dead Body

This was my battle cry from the dungeon, written in 2006, a few month before my trial started. Hear the lion roar!