In early July 2017, Jim Rizoli and Diane King once more visited me at my home and interviewed me again. You can access this video of almost two hours on YouTube here: GBDv__yBYJ0 or simply watch it right here: Actually, no, that video channel got deleted in 2019, with all videos in it.
Category: Video
The First Holocaust—The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
[:en]A documentary on the surprising origin of the six-million figure. Germar Rudolf takes the reader on a time travel back until 1850 while tracing back the origin and various usages of the claim that six million Jews were suffering and in danger of being exterminated in a “holocaust.”[:]
Curated Lies — A PowerPoint Presentation
[:en]A 1hr 22 min. PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of Carlo Mattogno’s book Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions.[:]
Lecture on Civil Rights and Robert J. van Pelt (video)
This video shows me during my presentation at the 13th IHR Conference in Irvine, CA, in May of 2000. I am talking mainly about the deterioration of civil rights in Germany, as well as about some of the main arguments presented by Jewish professor for cultural history Dr. Robert J. van Pelt in his expert …
The Great Taboo (video)
This video tells the story of three men: U.S. citizen Bradley R. Smith, who lobbies for free speech on the Holocaust, and the two German citizens Ernst Zündel and Germar Rudolf, who got into deep trouble for exercising their right to free speech on the Holocaust. The video was produced by Bradley Smith (officially) and …
Germar Rudolf Interviewed by Jim Rizoli (video)
On Friday November 6, 2015, Jim Rizoli and Diane King visited me at my home and interviewed me for Jim’s series “League of Extraordinary Revisionists.” That interview was once available on YouTube, but got deleted with the entire channel in 2019. Here it is, scraped from my hard drive:
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