Category: Judaica

Podcast with Night Nation Review

Straddling the night from March 14 to 15, I had a very satisfying exchange with Nick from Night Nation Review, which you might want to check out. A warning, though: it went on for three hours. The first almost half hour, however, merely plays an introductory clip to my Holocaust Encyclopedia, plus Night Nation Review’s …

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Tackling Zionism’s and Judaism’s Sword and Shield

Presentation delivered on June 30, 2024, at the First J[ewish]P[problem] Conference in Kentucky. Download this video here by right-clicking on this link, then pick “Save Link As…”. Download this presentation’s transcript here. Download this presentation’s subtitle file here. This video has also been posted in numerous version on BitChute and Rumble: …

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The First Holocaust—The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure

[:en]A documentary on the surprising origin of the six-million figure. Germar Rudolf takes the reader on a time travel back until 1850 while tracing back the origin and various usages of the claim that six million Jews were suffering and in danger of being exterminated in a “holocaust.”[:]

On Spreading Hate

“Holocaust denier Germar Rudolf spreads hate from Pennsylvania” – that’s what Aryeh Tuchman claims, without indicating what of my writings constitutes hate. Here I argue that “common parlance,” used by Tuchman as an excuse for his inaccuracies, that is: parroting what “the others” are saying, is one of the main causes of the persecution of minorities and dissidents.

Truth Is Relative

Elie Wiesel once wrote that stories he had written “were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end.” “Some events do take place but are not true; other are – although they never occurred,” he wrote in his defense. A truly mind-boggling interpretation of the term “truth.”

The Holocaust as a Religion (audio)

The Holocaust, the new secular religion enforced the world over, serving as the sword and shield of Jews in general and Israel in particular. Germar Rudolf discusses this with David Duke in this podcast (60 min).

Günter Grass, Elie Wiesel, Carolyn Yeager, and I

Günter Grass doesn’t like Israel’s politics, Elie Wiesel doesn’t like any critic of Israel, Carolyn Yeager doesn’t like Elie, and somehow I got tangled up in all this. This is only about my attitude toward Jews, not any of the rest of the issues and persons mentioned here.