Category: Free Speech

Podcast with Night Nation Review

Straddling the night from March 14 to 15, I had a very satisfying exchange with Nick from Night Nation Review, which you might want to check out. A warning, though: it went on for three hours. The first almost half hour, however, merely plays an introductory clip to my Holocaust Encyclopedia, plus Night Nation Review’s …

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Germar Rudolf Debates Michael G. Vann on the Jake Shields Show

I visited Jake in Las Vegas on the first weekend of November 2024 for a long podcast debate with a mainstream historian. He did not reveal to me until the day we met who that historian would be, so I could not prepare for it in any meaningful way. But it turned out that this …

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Germar Rudolf interviewed by Victor-Hugo Vaca II

Victor-Hugo Vaca II

is a swell fellow.  I never heard of the guy before. He is a U.S. artist who got stranded in the Caucasus nation of Georgia at the outbreak of the COVID crisis in early 2020, and has made this his second home. He loves doing interviews with people who don’t care about political correctness. Needless …

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Lecture given in September 1999 in Cincinnati, Ohio (video)

In the summer of 1999, British historian David Irving invited me to present my research results on “The Chemistry of Auschwitz” as well as the subsequent experience of persecution to his audience at his “Real History” conference in September of 1999. The speech was recorded, and I retrieved a copy of it from the Internet …

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Foreword to B. Kulaszka’s “The Second Zündel Trial”

Barbara Kulaszka’s 1992 book “‘Did Six Million Really Die?’ Report of the Evidence in the Canadian ‘False
News’ Trial of Ernst Zündel – 1988” has been out of print for decades. In 2017, Jeff Bezos decided to ban its sale from his Amazon websites (although there was nothing to sell anymore anyway). So I decided to put it back in print. Lest censorship will prevail! Here is my foreword to that new edition.

Germar Rudolf Interviewed by Jim Rizoli (video)

In early July 2017, Jim Rizoli and Diane King once more visited me at my home and interviewed me again. You can access this video of almost two hours on YouTube here: GBDv__yBYJ0 or simply watch it right here: Actually, no, that video channel got deleted in 2019, with all videos in it.

Hunting Germar Rudolf

[Falls Sie das Buch Kardinalfragen suchen, bitte auf die deutsche Flagge rechts klicken] While preparing the new edition of my expert report, due to be released in early 2017, I realized that I can no longer include the autobiographical essays which were included in earlier edition, simply because the book would become too thick, and …

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Lipstadt’s Motivations and “ad Hominem” Attacks

This article originally appeared as Chapter 3 of my recent book, Fail “Denying the Holocaust” How Deborah Lipstadt Botched Her Attempt to Demonstrate the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. A newer edition of this book, titled Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust”, may be purchased through

Ernst Nolte to Germar Rudolf

A few months after my release from prison, I received the following letter from Prof. em. Dr. Ernst Nolte, dated 17 January 2010: Dear Mr. Rudolf, I gratefully confirm receipt of your circular letter of 16 December and wish you luck for the new chapter of your life which now lies ahead of you and which will presumably be “Anglo-Saxon.” …

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Lecture on Civil Rights and Robert J. van Pelt (video)

This video shows me during my presentation at the 13th IHR Conference in Irvine, CA, in May of 2000. I am talking mainly about the deterioration of civil rights in Germany, as well as about some of the main arguments presented by Jewish professor for cultural history Dr. Robert J. van Pelt in his expert …

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