Germar Rudolf

Author's posts

Who Started World War Two – A Foreword

The following foreword is part of Udo Walendy’s book Who Started World War II? Truth for a War-Torn World, which was published in 2014 and is being distributed by Castle Hill Publishers, UK (there on the pages 9-11). In the US, an unedited version without this foreword titled Truth for Germany: The Guilt Question of the Second World War can …

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Benjamin Schager – Master of Mental Diarrhea

Pseudo-Science is hopefully the exception at the University of Vienna, Austria, but here I have found an example which is a paragon of it. The evil about it is that dissidents are disparaged under the mendacious guise of science. The author Benjamin Schager is thus a desk criminal who justifies the societal and penal persecution of peaceful dissidents – whether deliberately or by gross negligence may remain open…

“Resistance Is Obligatory” online

My latest book Resistance Is Obligatory is finally available as a PDF file for free download. Wide dissemination is appreciated!

Professor Hot-Air-Nozzle

How does an established German university professor justify the establishment’s complete refusal to enter into discussion with revisionists, when he ought to defend the ideals of the enlightenment, that is to say, a doubting and critical attitude? Prof. Eßbach of Freiburg university demonstrates it: you distort the facts, lie about the opponent, et voilà, you have a compelling reason…

A Chat with Deanna Spingola (audio)

Scheduled to be a discussion of air photo evidence on the so-called Holocaust, Deanna Spingola had me talk about my own history of persecution first, the German legal framework of it next, then about the real reasons for the two world wars, and finally we actually got to talk a little about air photo evidence about Auschwitz.

On Spreading Hate

“Holocaust denier Germar Rudolf spreads hate from Pennsylvania” – that’s what Aryeh Tuchman claims, without indicating what of my writings constitutes hate. Here I argue that “common parlance,” used by Tuchman as an excuse for his inaccuracies, that is: parroting what “the others” are saying, is one of the main causes of the persecution of minorities and dissidents.

Truth Is Relative

Elie Wiesel once wrote that stories he had written “were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end.” “Some events do take place but are not true; other are – although they never occurred,” he wrote in his defense. A truly mind-boggling interpretation of the term “truth.”

Ultimate Pyramid Scheme, Part 2 (audio)

The current financial system, being at the verge of collapse, needs redesigning. In this radio show Germar Rudolf and David Duke discuss a few options to achieve this (60 min).

Ultimate Pyramid Scheme, Part 1 (audio)

The current financial system is the perfect rip-off system to constantly redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich. Germar Rudolf discusses this with David Duke in this podcast (60 min).

The U.S. Education Disaster (audio)

School and college/university education in the U.S. are a disaster, making the U.S. depend on the import of foreign academics on an unprecedented scale. Germar Rudolf discusses this with David Duke in this podcast (60 min).