Germar Rudolf Debates Michael G. Vann on the Jake Shields Show

I visited Jake in Las Vegas on the first weekend of November 2024 for a long podcast debate with a mainstream historian. He did not reveal to me until the day we met who that historian would be, so I could not prepare for it in any meaningful way. But it turned out that this historian, Dr. Michael G. Vann, had as much knowledge about the Holocaust as any average person, because this topic was not at all anywhere within his field of study or interest. The resulting debate therefore meandered around generalities and trivialities, which was a pity. As Jake had mentioned in several posts on his X account, several other, evidently more competent historians had backed out, among them Matthew Cockerill. Cockerill is the historian who had debated Thomas Dalton in a written exchange, which Inconvenient History had published in the third issue of 2023. Initially, Cockerill was willing to debate with me, but then he claimed that someone threatened to ruin his career if he debates me publicly, hence he chickened out. Jake hesitated to post this debate, fearing negative backlash for his podcast enterprise. But on December 11, he finally posted it on Rumble as Episode 33 of his series “Fight Back.” Watch this debate as posted on the CODOH website, or as posted on Rumble: