A Chat with Deanna Spingola (audio)

This is my June 5th, 1 hour 27 min. chat with U.S. political and free speech activist Deanna Spingola on my persecution (sorry for that repeat performance, but she asked me to), the legal situation in Germany when it comes to historical dissidents, the irrational, nay, mendacious justification of the western powers to wage war on Germany twice in the 20th century, juxtaposed to their real reasons, and last but not least: a discussion about Allied air photo evidence on Auschwitz as presented in 1979 by the CIA (which doctored some pictures), then scrutinized in 1992 by John C. Ball, and finally brought back (or rather down) on a pure propaganda level again by the British in 2004 (on that see my Foreword to the current edition of “Air-Photo Evidence”).